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29 March 2012


Maggie Hall

O Beth- it is hard as a mommy to transition to newness for everyone's account. But you're right to know there ARE other women up there just like you and with newness to offer as well- hang in there!
Glad to know I'm not alone in the " quite painstaking" friendmaking department:)

A Facebook User

I am so very thankful for your friendship. You challenge me and yet allow me to be myself and love me anyway. I pray that God will surround you with wonderful friends there, and in the mean time, I pray that each and every day you will know how much you are loved from afar. Jennifer

Beth Webb

Thanks, friend! I still consider that particular group a definite marker in my spiritual journey--the relationships, what God taught me, and how it has encouraged me since. 2 Chronicles 16:9--remember it?!?!?

A Facebook User

I love you friend! I pray God surrounds you with a fabulous group of women in Wisconsin--He is so faithful and is only good to us! I'm so thankful God put you in my life and in my Insight group at Auburn! --Amanda

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