Maybe I have lived too many places where people from all over the world have come to make America their home.
Maybe it's because of my roommate in college who came and shared her culture and language with me while learning about our culture and language as she was getting a wonderful education in America.
Maybe it's because of the man I met this fall at a yard sale who came with his wife after surviving his time in a Nazi concentration camp. After over fifty years in America, his accent is so strong, but he had an opportunity to live here.
Maybe it's because God is indeed growing my heart for the nations--one day I will sing with people from all over the world to my amazing God!
Maybe it's because I understand the history of our country--that there were people here before us who didn't/don't speak english and we are built on people coming from all over the world to pursue dreams, education, and opportunity. They have unique backgrounds. They have unique languages. And yet they can come to America and make a home.
Maybe I have not lived enough to fully understand the weight of this ad, but it actually made me proud to be an American. It is my home. And, it is the home to so many people who are different than me!
I cannot imagine the streets of Seattle or New York or Boston or SanFrancisco without the influence of cultures from all over the world. I cannot imagine my daughter's classroom without the diversity and opportunity to live with people from different parts of the world. Isn't that what our country is all about?!?! What an honor to be a country where people from all over the world want to come! Let's embrace it!
I realize our country is not perfect. I realize that some people take advantage of the freedoms and opportunities in our country. I realize some things are changing. I realize things will happen in our country that I do not agree with. I understand that God is not always honored by the choices people here make. But, I am so proud to be an American. I am so thankful that God allowed me to be born where I was born and when I was born. I am thankful for those who have fought and kept my freedom alive. I am thankful for those who have paved the road for the world to actually come to us!
So, now I must respond! How can I love these people? How can I learn about others and share Jesus with them? How can I make sure they are singing about more than America being beautiful but about Jesus being beautiful? We must each choose how we will respond to the people around us and the place we find ourselves. I am going to choose to see how I can show Jesus to the people around me. I am going to find ways to point people to Jesus, the one who created all of us and the only one who can lead us to our Heavenly Father.
Everybody wants to come to America! This ad from Coca-Cola presents the hopes and promises our country offers. As Christ followers, let's not be offended. Instead, let's show them the King of the eternal Melting Pot (which is actually more like a salad bowl).
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